My Classroom
Classroom setup can be hard and ever-changing. What worked last year- or even last week-may not continue to work today but here is how it is set up right now. I like to have areas that whole group instruction as well as several center areas. This room is set up for an inclusion preschool as part of the Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) classroom.

Circle time is a place to introduce topics/skills and read-aloud books.

Setting up a preschool classroom to incorporate workspace, makerspace, and centers are important in an ECSE classroom

Dramatic play allows for imagination to grow and develop young minds.

Classroom expectations are an important foundation for running any classroom especially a preschool classroom. We review these daily.

Technology is used in various forms in the classroom. We use the smartboard during whole group. iPads and computers are used during center time to reinforce skills taught. Sometimes students struggle with manipulativing the keyboard and mouse. For that reason, an adapted mouse and keyboard can be used.

Calendar time is a component of our day. Kids learn the days of the week, months of the year, and work on counting.