Drafting IEP’s and updating data collection with flair pens, drinking your preferred caffeine- at the semi-correct temperature-, finding the antecedent to a behavior and collaborating with teachers. Yes, you can be a rockstar special education teacher without spending hours before and after school at your desk!
and you’ve got all the hats required for the demands of this job
But do you ever just need a
Oh, you’re in just the right spot, friend!
That’s where I come in.
I also educate teachers who are ready to develop an
I help give teachers tools to be the best special education teacher so they can turn the frustrating obstacles of
into a
precise roadmap full of successful resources, reminders and strategies to be confident and be a leader in their schools (yes, that’s you!).
With 13 years of special education experience, an Educational Specialist degree, National Board Certified Teacher and published articles about data collection in special education, I have also been selected for district and state awards as a Distinguished Educator, my state’s District V Elementary Teacher of the Year, featured on Podcasts such as The Autism Helper and The Resource Room, and published in College Student Journal. I love learning and helping others -someone once told me that I was on a mission to get every certificate I can possibly get- and I can’t say they are wrong.
When I am not teaching and creating, you’ll most likely find me at the
Are you ready to grow together? Because I am!
Wanna join arms with me in this special education community and also get some free resources?