Special Educator Survival Guide


5 End of Year Activities In Special Education Classrooms


As the end of the school year approaches, special education teachers are looking for ways to celebrate and engage their students. So first here are 5 end of the year activities in special education classrooms to wrap up the year on a positive note.

Escape Rooms: Engage Students in Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

Escape rooms are an engaging way to encourage problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. Teachers can use beach theme pre-made ones available in my shop. First, the Beach Escape Room is themed around the interests of the students or the curriculum that was previously taught throughout the year. Students will enjoy working collaboratively to solve puzzles and clues to escape the room. These are available in digital and printable versions too!


Task Card Games: Review the Skills Taught Throughout the Year

Task card games can be a fun and interactive way to review the skills that have been taught throughout the school year. Teachers can enjoy the done-for-you pre-made ones available in my tpt shop that are bee, ladybug, and caterpillar themed. Task cards can be used in a variety of ways such as a scavenger hunt, a matching game, or as a game of memory. Students will enjoy the challenge of reviewing skills in a game format. Adapted books and file folders also meet all the needs of your learners. These are the perfect activities for end-of-the-year review and for maintenance skills. 


Summer Playdoh Mats: Incorporate Sensory Play

Summer playdoh mats are an excellent way to incorporate sensory play into the end of the school year. In addition, teachers can create their own playdoh mats or use these pre-made ones available in my tpt shop. Moreover, playdoh mats are themed around the interests of the students or the curriculum that has been taught throughout the year. Students will enjoy using their hands to create objects while also working on fine motor skills. Pages have a color and grayscale option. In addition, the pages can be laminated or put into page protectors.


End of the Year Awards: Recognize the Achievements and Strengths of Each Student

End of the year awards are a great way to recognize the achievements and strengths of each student. Next, teachers can create their own awards or use pre-made ones available online. Use these awards around the interests of the students or the curriculum that has been taught throughout the year. Students will enjoy receiving recognition for their hard work and effort.


Summer Countdown: Build Excitement for the End of the School Year

A summer countdown is an excellent way to build excitement for the end of the school year. Teachers can use this done for you kit for the countdown board. Finally, the countdown can include activities or events that are happening in the classroom or school leading up to the end of the year. Students will enjoy counting down the days until summer break while also participating in fun activities.

End this school year on a high note

In conclusion, special education teachers can celebrate the end of the school year with fun and engaging activities. Escape rooms, task card games, summer playdoh mats, end of the year awards, and summer countdowns are just a few ideas to consider. By engaging students in problem-solving, critical thinking, and sensory play, teachers can wrap up the school year on a positive note and send their students off to summer break with smiles on their faces. Finally, check out Be The Exception Podcast for more end-of-the-year ideas for special educators!
